To replace this page, overwrite the file index.html in the document root folder of this server. The document root folder for this server is the docroot subdirectory of this server's domain directory.

To manage a server on the local host with the default administration port, go to the Administration Console.

Payara Server Documentation

For more information about Payara Server, documentation and additional resources see the Payara documentation

Welcome to the Payara Community

As a member of the continuously growing and evolving open source community, you can benefit from some great support offered by other Payara Server users, and get involved yourself by posting feedback on the latest features and enhancements - or by making suggestions for future releases! And if you want to take it one step further, you can also become an official Payara Contributor. If you’d like to be a part of Payara Server's development, or simply get some help and advice from the community, check out our Community page for some useful information and links.

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The Payara blog is packed with technical articles on Payara Server, Payara Micro, GlassFish, Java EE, microservices and more. For some expert hints and tips, demos, overviews and news delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to the Payara Blog here.

Production & Developer Support for Payara Server

Payara Support Services give you 24-hour support for your production Payara Server environment; while Payara Developer Support subscription provides assistance with Payara Server and advice on Java EE development before you go into production.

Our support lifecycle policy ensures longevity of your Payara Server investment, provides you with 10 years of support and a well-defined lifecycle model maintaining stability of your production environment. 

For more information, visit our services page or download the Payara Services Overview Brochure.